Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Hacks Every College Girl Should Know

Skin Care Hacks Every College Girl Should Know

College years when girls go through many changes both emotionally and physically. Hard pressed for time, college girls often forget to take care of their skin which can lead to skin problems. So here are some easy to follow beauty care tips for the skin every college girl will love

Monsoon Ayurveda For Healthy Skin

Monsoon Ayurveda For Healthy Skin

The monsoon season or Varsha Ritu is one that everyone looks forward to. However, more often than not, it brings with it various illnesses and diseases that cause imbalance in your body if you don’t take proper measures to prevent them.




All You Need To Know About Skincare

#DidYouKnow? Your skin is the largest organ of the human body, and your first line of defence against invading pathogens. Hence, it’s vital to take great care of your skin. Here, we’ll be listing out all the skincare tips and tricks you need to keep your skin healthy, clear and beautiful, day after day, in every season.

Glowing skin starts from within, basically proving the point that you are what you eat. Include skin-boosting vitamins, antioxidants and healthy fats in your diet and drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Limit caffeine, alcohol and processed, oily, junk foods. You can take a look at our articles on the right skin nutrition for a glowing, even complexion.

There are 5 main skin types: normal, dry, combination, oily/acne-prone and sensitive. Understanding your skin type will help you choose the skincare products and regime that is perfect for you. Check out our blogs to identify the cleansers, toners, moisturisers, exfoliants & scrubs, sunscreen and makeup products that are ideal for your skin type.

The C-T-M routine forms the basics of skincare. It’s important to cleanse, tone and moisturise your skin every day, while adding an exfoliating step in your skincare routine once a week.

Pamper your skin by indulging in DIY face masks and natural scrubs. You can make use of herbal remedies to treat skin conditions like dryness, oiliness, acne, sunburns or pigmentation. Our blogs list out the natural ingredients you can use for preparing face masks, scrubs and herbal remedies at home.

You may want to change your skincare products and routine as per the season. You can use lightweight or gel cleansers and lotions in summer and switch to hydrating cleansers and thicker creams in winter. Follow our summer skincare tips, monsoon skincare tips and winter skincare tips to flaunt gorgeous skin throughout the year. And remember: whether it’s summer, winter or the rainy season, always wear sunscreen! You can read about the right formulation, ingredients and SPF level to help you choose a sunscreen that can best protect your skin.

We hope our comprehensive skincare articles address all your skin issues and help you reveal your natural beauty.

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