
Types of Alopecia

Types of Alopecia | Video by Dr. Kaleem Khan

Alopecia can be a tricky condition to tackle. Do not make the mistake of treating it as normal hair fall. Watch this video where Dr. Kaleem Khan answers common questions related to this condition and also talks about the Types of Alopecia. Book an appointment with a cosmetologist or dermatologist, visit here.

Dr. Hiteshree Shah

All About Vitiligo | Video by Hiteshree Shah

Watch Hiteshree Shah, an expert dermatologist giving insightful information and helpful content on Vitiligo to generate awareness about this skin condition. For more information on Vitiligo treatment, consult a dermatologist.

Dr. Nidhi Sharma

Don’t be afraid of Vitiligo | Video by Dr. Nidhi Sharma

A person with Vitiligo is a completely healthy person. Watch this video by Dr. Nidhi Sharma who reassures that Vitiligo is nothing to be scared of and is completely treatable and urges Vitiligo patients to take the treatment as early as possible.

Dr. Shamik Das

Enough of Vitiligo Stigma | Video by Dr. Shamik Das

People with Vitiligo don’t face any physical discomfort but have to deal with it emotionally. Watch this 2-min video by Dr. Shamik Das, where he talks about the stigma around this skin condition and urges people to be more empathetic toward Vitiligo patients.

Dr. Subramanian

Vitiligo awareness | Video by Dr. Subramanian

Vitiligo is a common skin care condition that affects nearly 1-3% of the world’s population. Watch this video by Dr. Subramanian where he shares valuable information on Vitiligo and requests everyone to be empathetic towards Vitiligo patients.

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