Nourish your baby's tender skin this winter

Nourish your baby’s tender skin this winter

As the winter comes, that freezing breeze keeps you on the toes to deal with the skin issues that might take place. When it comes to a newborn, all you need to do is an extraordinary care of her tender-smooth, extra-sensitive skin. It’s because even a slight weather change is enough to affect your baby’s skin.

Top tips while choosing a perfect Moisturizer for your Baby

Top tips while choosing a perfect Moisturizer for your Baby

When you enter the Baby care products section in a megastore nearby your vicinity, you see the shelves overflowing with hundreds of products belonging to hundreds of brands. When it comes to baby moisturizer, the chaos is to the maximum. No doubt, you get confused with the thought of choosing a perfect one for your little sweetheart.

Large Pores

What To Do About Large Pores

Admit it; you’ve been one of those obsessive people. People who zoom into their face as soon as their picture is taken, only to start jotting down the flaws. And, one of the most prominent of them is “large pores”. Inevitably, you start comparing yourself to those miraculously perfect faces in magazines, wherein, there’s not a single blemish or imperfection on the model’s skin.

Go Nuts! Nuts and Seeds for Great Skin

Go Nuts! Nuts and Seeds for Great Skin

There’s a reason why these world’s biggest (and most good-looking) celebrities vouch for nuts as their go-to snack. Whether it’s almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds, nuts have the ability to transform your skin, keep your weight in check, and curb those untimely hunger pangs.

Bone Broth: Collagen, the Natural Way

Bone Broth: Collagen, the Natural Way

Healthy skin begins from the inside – your skin is a reflection of a healthy balance between essential nutrients and how well your body digests and assimilates these nutrients. Eating the right types f food keeps your skin glowing and healthy.
One such superfood is the collagen-boosting bone broth.

5 useful Tips For Everyday Skin Care

5 useful Tips For Everyday Skin Care

When it comes to skin care, it’s the little habits that go a long way. Habits that don’t consume a lot of time, but work well only because of your regularity. Whether you’re currently in your teenage years, in your 20s, 30s or 50s, or even blessed with the perfect skin already, these everyday skin care tips will ensure that your skin stays at its prime – always.

Could Photofacial Be Your Way To Great Skin?

Could Photofacial Be Your Way To Great Skin?

Are you tired of the big pores, blotchiness, and wrinkles on your skin? You may have already tried out various types of facials and at-home treatments that do not work. Maybe it is time you consider photofacials.
Photofacial is a type of intense light treatment that helps reduce or remove sun damage, wrinkles etc. Here are some facts you should know about photofacial before you opt for the treatment:

4 Sign Your Beauty Products Are Harming Your Skin

4 Sign Your Beauty Products Are Harming Your Skin

Love using beauty products? You’re not alone! However, what most women don’t understand is, that beauty products, sometimes, can do more harm than good. You may blame your dietary habits or lifestyle for sudden breakouts or age spots, but in reality, the products that go on your face might be the real culprit.

5 Skin Care Myths – Debunked

5 Skin Care Myths – Debunked

The world is overflowing with information, which often leads to utter confusion. As an individual who is cautious about their skin, it’s important that you find out the truth behind the “facts”.

Coffee and Its Benefits In Skin Care

Coffee and Its Benefits In Skin Care

Coffee makes for much more than just a delicious and invigorating beverage. The benefits of coffee upon our health, skin and hair go far and wide. Not only does it serve as a much-needed aid for the body, it is also famous for its wonderful benefits in the skincare department.

4 Fruits That Are Beneficial For Your Skin

4 Fruits That Are Beneficial For Your Skin

How do you approach skincare? Is it the usual cleanse-tone-moisturize regimen, or do you use serums and masks? Here is the reality – skincare isn’t limited to what you apply topically, there’s a lot that happens beneath the surface, especially when it comes to your diet. Fruits, especially, can work wonders for your skin and keep it clear and supple

Frozen Skin Care Products: What They Are And Why You Should Use Them

Frozen Skin Care Products: What They Are And Why You Should Use Them

Freezing of skin care products has been on the rise for the past few years, mostly for the purpose of longevity. Frozen skin care or makeup products are a good idea if done the right way – the chemical reactions and bacteria in the products multiply at a slower rate when stored at lower temperatures. This not only makes them last longer, but also feels good to apply on your skin.


All You Need To Know About Hair Care

Your hair is your crowning glory, and you’d want to maintain it like that. Here, we’ll be listing tips and tricks to help you take care of your hair so you can flaunt soft, lustrous locks every day and in every season.

Hair is made of protein, so the right hair nutrition is the key to keeping them healthy. You can get all the information you need for the dos and don’ts in your diet for strong, long hair.

Practise good hair hygiene and a hair care routine. Oil, shampoo and condition properly to keep your scalp and hair clean and hydrated. It’s important to know the right ways to dry and style your hair so that you can minimize damage from heat. You can also pamper your locks with a nourishing hair spa or hair mask once every week. Check out our blogs for DIY hair spas and masks you can indulge in at home.

Now different hair types require different hair care tips and hair care products. It’s vital to choose products and a hair care routine that are tailored for your hair texture.

Take a look at our articles to understand the shampoos, conditioners and hair oils suitable for the 4 hair types: straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair and kinky/coily hair. In case you suffer from dryness, damage, frizz, oily hair, dullness, dandruff, split ends or hair fall, you’ll need to switch up your hair products accordingly. Coloured or chemically treated hair also needs a bit more love and care.

Seasonal changes come with their own set of hair woes. You can read up about monsoon hair care tips, summer hair care tips and winter hair care tips to help your hair look great and stay healthy throughout the season.

We hope our comprehensive hair care articles address all your hair issues and help you bring out your hair’s natural beauty.

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