Top Hair Growth Products
Noticing too many loose hair strands clogging the drains? It’s time to do something about your hair loss problem! Research says, a healthy mane requires regular topical treatments to maintain your hair’s quality.
Noticing too many loose hair strands clogging the drains? It’s time to do something about your hair loss problem! Research says, a healthy mane requires regular topical treatments to maintain your hair’s quality.
You put in a lot of effort to keep your skin looking and feeling supple: From cleansing, toning and moisturising to religiously applying sunscreen before stepping out. Have you stopped to think about the beating your hair takes day in and day out? Here’s an all-weather guide to happy hair. Your tresses will thank you for it!
Hair is one of the major asspects of a person’s personality that can make him look attractive and appealing. If hair is not healthy or styled carefully, it can severely mar their look. Here, we bring to you a few things that can help men take care of their hair.
Progesterone prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT, a biologically active metabolite that is responsible for the damage of hair follicles.Hair loss is medically termed as alopecia. Alopecia refers to the loss of hair from scalp or from any other part of the body. Losing hair is a natural process, and it is usually followed by regrowth.
Split ends make your hair look frizzy and unkempt, thereby ruining your appearance.
Heat from a blow dryer leads to excessively dry hair and damaged cuticles.A blow dryer is most women’s best friend, as it allows them to dry wet hair quickly, and style it in their favourite way. But a majority of them are not aware of the harmful effects of blow drying on hair.
Greasy hair, more prone to itchiness and dandruff, looks heavy, unmanageable and unclean.
Your hair is your crown, and hair loss is often associated with extreme lack of confidence and self-esteem. Loss of hair is often not related to your health, but can ruin your appearance, and make you look older and depressed.
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