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About a Dermatologist

Dermatologists are doctors with expertise in the treatment of skin, hair and nail conditions. Although their primary area of expertise is the treatment of all skin-related problems, you will find many dermatologists who are expert in the treatment of hair problems as well, which is the primary domain of trichologists. However, you can visit any dermatologist in Calicut listed above, and be assured of getting an effective treatment, be it for skin or hair problems.

Skin and hair treatments offered by a dermatologist

Every dermatologist in Calicut from the list above would offer you treatments for all skin and hair problems, ranging from minor to severe.

But just for your information, here is a list of some common issues that you can avail treatments for at a dermatologist’s clinic-


  • Acne or pimples
  • Acne scars
  • Skin pigmentation
  • Vitiligo (pale skin and white patches)
  • Tinea, or ringworm
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Cysts, moles and warts
  • Melasma
  • Freckles
  • Lentigo
  • Chicken pox scars


  • Dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Hair transplant


Apart from treating problems, you can also visit a dermatologist to scientifically beautify your skin. These treatments include solutions for skin conditions like wrinkles, crow’s feet (lines that form around the corner of eyes when you smile), age spots and sagging skin. Apart from these internally arising problems, you can get treatments for issues caused due to external factors too, which include sun damage and scars on skin due to bruises among others.
  • Anti-aging
  • Tattoo removal
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Skin tightening
  • Laser hair removal
  • Tan removal

Procedures Carried Out By Dermatologists

A dermatologist is trained to carry out several medical and cosmetic surgical procedures. There are some skin and hair treatments which use two types of techniques or therapies, invasive and non-invasive, and they include:
  • Mesotherapy
  • Thermage
  • Microwave Thermolysis
  • Neuromodulators
  • Non-invasive body contouring
  • Microlipoinjection
  • Micropigmentation
  • Cryolipolysis
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy
  • Cryosurgery
  • Chemical Peels
  • Hair Transplants

Avoid using over-the-counter (OTC) products without a consultation

OTC products generally work well to treat minor skin and hair problems such as dry skinpimples, or dandruff. However, they are not the best solution for the treatment of more serious problems. Also, OTC products are used by people after self-diagnosis, which is a huge mistake! Because self-diagnosis can often lead to wrong diagnosis of a skin or hair condition, and only make the problem worse.

That’s why, you should consult a dermatologist the very first time you notice a problem, if you don’t want it to worsen.

Home-made remedies cannot be considered as an alternative to treatments offered by a dermatologist

Many people follow home-made remedies that are suggested by their friends or relatives. However, you must understand that the results of such remedies are doubtful. While some people may see results, others may not. In addition to that, your problem may worsen if your skin or hair are allergic to a remedy.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that home-made remedies show results slowly, if at all. Because of which, they are suitable as precautionary measures, but not as treatments!

Dermatologists often come across patients that visit them after following a home-made remedy. In such cases, the patients have not seen any result, but on the contrary, by the time they visited a doctor, their condition had only worsened.

This is why, consulting a dermatologist should be your first choice. It will save your time, efforts and your skin or hair.

Always visit a Dermatologist instead of a general doctor

A general physician has limitations when it comes to treating a skin or hair problem. Though they can prescribe medication for minor problems, they can neither offer permanent solutions to more severe issues, nor can they help you prevent your minor problems from becoming worse.

A dermatologist is expert in diagnosing and treating various skin and hair conditions. Because of which, you should choose consulting your nearest dermatologist in Calicut over consulting a general physician.

Find an expert dermatologist in Calicut, here!

Calicut is known to have weather fluctuations across the year. In summers, the weather can be hot and dry, while in the monsoons, it can be humid. Owing to such varying conditions, many people with sensitive skin can develop different skin or hair problems.

Skin & Hair Academy has a list of expert skin and hair doctors in Calicut, whom you can visit for effective treatments and satisfactory results.


Q1. Can you suggest treatment for dandruff and red spots on the scalp?

Ans. Red, itchy, and scaly reaction on the scalp is known as Seborrheic Dermatitis. It is a more severe form of dandruff, except the scalp is often inflamed. It can also be very itchy and can sometimes affect other parts of the body. Regular washing of the scalp with medicated shampoos or soaps can offer relief to your itching scalp. However, it is essential to know how often you need to use medicated shampoos for which you need to consult a dermatologist. It usually depends on how severe your dandruff is and what treatment (as suggested by the dermatologist) you are using. Remember to always read the directions on the shampoo bottle before using it. Although some shampoos are mild enough to be used every day, others should and can only be used once a week. Therefore, if you find dandruff and red, scaly spots to be an everyday occurrence, visit a dermatologist immediately.

Q2. What are the top 5 treatments available at the dermatologists’?

Ans. Dermatologists perform procedures to treat skin, hair, and nail problems. There are multiple issues which require different types of treatment methods however, the most common treatments available at the dermatologists’ are:

  • Laser treatment for acne scars: Laser skin resurfacing is used to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, increase collagen regeneration, and refilling of depressed acne scars. The heat and light used is of measured intensity in the laser skin resurfacing treatment
  • Hair re-growth treatment: Medications containing minoxidil, Mesotherapy, hair regrowth lasers, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, stem cell treatment, and hair transplant are some of the treatment methods that are used to induce hair re-growth
  • Skin discolouration treatment: Skin discolouration or uneven skin tone is seen due to the uneven distribution of melanin (skin colour pigment) and sometimes even due to overexposure to UVA and UVB rays. Chemical peels, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, intense pulse light (IPL) are some of the treatment methods used to reduce skin discolouration
  • Surgical and non-surgical treatments for skin
  • Topical treatments: Topical application of retinoids, hydroquinone and its derivatives, steroid creams or ointments, and plant-derived products are also used to treat certain types of skin problems

Apart from these major skin and hair treatments, there are several others a dermatologist uses to treat various other skin infections and diseases. Therefore, if you have symptoms of any skin, hair or nail issues, visit a dermatologist at the earliest.

Q3. When and why should I consult a dermatologist?

Ans. If you see any symptoms of skin, hair, or nail problems, it is advisable and recommended to see a dermatologist. While you might be opting for a regular body check-up once a year, getting your skin, hair, and nail health every year should also take priority, given you don’t have any skin, hair, or nail related issues. In the opposite scenario, visit the dermatologist immediately. A yearly check-up or consultation with the dermatologist is recommended as it is a proactive way of monitoring for early detection of skin or any other type of cancer or other dermatology-related disorders.

Q4. Can a dermatologist treat skin cancer?

Ans. Skin cancer is one of the most extreme skin problems and a dermatologist is well-equipped to examine, diagnose, and suggest treatment options. Most basal and squamous cell cancers, including pre-cancers, are treated by dermatologists. Since the dermatologist specializes in treating skin diseases, skin cancer happens to be one of 3000+ skin conditions that he/she treats. However, if the skin cancer has reached an advanced stage, you may be treated by a surgical oncologist – who treats cancer with surgery.

Q5. What are the responsibilities of a skin doctor?

Ans. A dermatologist or a skin specialist examines, diagnoses, and treats several issues related to the skin, hair, and nails. Depending on the extent of the skin or hair problem, dermatologists recommend the correct treatment for the related issue post a thorough physical examination. Dermatologists can treat 3,000+ skin problems including severe ones like eczemapsoriasis, skin cancer, and other hair and nail diseases like hair loss, ingrown nails, fungal infections, etc.

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